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​Top quality Bernedoodles Standard Bernedoodles, Mini Bernedoodles, and Tiny Bernedoodle puppies. "Often imitated, never duplicated" 

If you would like to take one of our Tiny Bernedoodles or one of our Teddy Bear Bernedoodles home with you we do require that you fill out an application so we can see if one of our puppies would be a good fit for your family. As soon as you fill out your application and it is accepted you will be asked to place a $500 deposit to hold your spot on the list. Our list fills up fast! Our Tiny Bernedoodle list is usually full before puppies are even born. You can fill out our puppy application here. 

A Teddy Bear bernedoodle is a multigene Bernedoodle. Our Teddy Bear Bernedoodles will be F1 Mini Bernedoodles or F1 Mini Australian Bernedodles bred back to a F1B Bernedoodle that does not carry IC. IC is improper coat or what some people refer to as a smooth muzzle. Our goal is to produce Teddy Bear Bernedoodles with thick fleecy coats. We do not use F1B Bernedoodles that carry the IC gene in our program. You can learn more about Teddy Bear Bernedoodles here. 

We have produced many service and therphy dogs. We find that this cross gives us the greatest probability for finding a good fit. Not every dog will become a service dog but we have already had several Australian Bernedoodles become service dogs.

Gwen is one of our Mini Australian Bernedoodles. 

Gwen has a Wavy-straight coat. She does not shed like the Bernese mountain dog. She sheds when she is brushed but does not leave hair around the house. Some Mini Australain Bernedoodles do shed. The Mini Austalian Bernedoodles coat type will determine if they will shed. 

Gwens coat is very low maintenance. We only have to brush her out once a week. Her hair does not matt easily. When we groom our Mini Australian Bernedoodles we do a full body shave and trim their face. We only have to do a fully body shave once a year and trim her face every 8 weeks. 

How do I get on the list to get a Tiny Bernedoodle or a Teddy Bear Bernedoodle?

Are Mini Australian Bernedoodle coats high maintenance?

Pawprints Genetics

Do F1 Mini Australian Bernedoodles shed?

Mini Bernedoodle

Gwen is a F1 Mini Australian Bernedoodle meaning she is 50% Bernese mountain dog and 50% Mini Australian Labradoodle. She is a traditional tricolor Mini Australian Bernedoodle. She has the stunning tricolor markings of the Bernese and the hypoallergenic coat of the poodle. The Australian Bernedoodle is not to be confused with having Aussie in them. They do not have Aussie in them! They get their name from the Australian Labradoodle. 

The Australian Bernedoodle has an amazing temperament. They have the sweet, loyal, calmness of the Bernese and the smart, easy to train temperament of the Australian Labradoodle. We decided to incorporate the Australian Labradoodle into our program because we specialize in service work and they do amazing!

What is a Teddy Bear Bernedoodle?

A Tiny Bernedoodle is a F1B Mini Bernedoodle. That means that a Tiny Bernedoodle is 25% Bernese mountain dog and 75% Mini Poodle. Some breeders use toy poodles to create Tiny Bernedoodles. Tiny Bernedoodles using a toy poodle would be 25% Bernese mountain dog, 25% Mini poodle, and 50% toy poodle. This is a pairing where it would be ok to use a toy poodle. The reason we do not want to use a toy poodle in an f1 Bernedoodle pairing is so we can maintain good confirmation.  You can learn more about Tiny Bernedoodles here.

What is a F1 Mini  Australian Bernedoodle?

What is a Tiny Bernedoodle?

What is a Mini  Australian Bernedoodles temperament like?

Why do we use Mini Australian Bernedoodles in our program?

We picked Gwen for our  Teddy Bear Bernedoodle program because of her lineage and temperament. She comes from 4 generations of health tested parents and from a line of champion poodles and Bernese mountain dogs. Some of the Bernese Mountain dogs in her pedigree lived to be over 12 years old.

She has the perfect personality to produce calm, easy going, Bernedoodles. One of the reasons we chose her other than her calm temperament and long lineage of health was because of her willingness to please. She does not have a stubborn bone in her body. Bernese mountain dogs can be stubborn. With our program we wanted to try and bred away from the stubbornness. She is always wanting to learn and always ready to listen. She thinks she is a human. She is so smart and can do anything. She is currently training to retrieve water fowl and doing great. I don’t think there is anything she can’t do. Because she is so eager to please she learns very fast. I only have to show her once or twice before she gets what I am saying.

Gwen Mini Australian Bernedoodle

Utah Bernedoodles Puppies
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Why did we pick Gwen for our Bernedoodle Breeding program?